Research reveals facials come with several benefits, both physical and psychological. "Facials counteract the effects of pollutants and sun exposure, helping cleanse, rehydrate and rejuvenate skin.
They can also be used as a mild treatment to take care of skin blemishes, dead skin and early wrinkles. It's best to start them at 25, when the skin begins to undergo its first round of wear and tear. Regular facials also ensure better penetration of anti-ageing skincare products," explains Mumbai-based dermatologist Dr Apratim Goel.
According to beauty expert, Shahnaz Hussain, one of the pioneers of facials in India, "Facials help maintain the oil-moisture balance of the skin, along with the acid-alkali balance. And since facials aid in the toning of both skin and muscles, it also doubles up as an effective anti-ager, when done on a regular basis, ideally once every month beyond the age of 30. Besides, it helps relax every muscle on the face and neck, bringing about a soothing effect." Every facial follows a few basic steps, each of which comes with individual benefits.