Saturday, September 17, 2011

Ideas to Keep More Money in Your Pocket

Life should be enjoyed, but it is hard to have a good time when most of your hard earned money is spent in playing catch-up
But there are ways you can improve your financial situation and still have some good times. Another bonus is it can help alleviate you stress levels and actually improve your health.
With just a little planning and discipline you can save thousands of dollars by adjusting your everyday expenses.

Ideas to Consider:


Don't purchase an automobile less than two years old. The value of new cars depreciate as soon as you drive them off the lot.
If possible, pay off one car before you finance a second vehicle.

Do not buy on impulse. Shop around, read reports and choose a reliable vehicle with a good resale value.
Only get a vehicle you really need. Do you really need that $40,000 truck for just a few trips to the hardware store when you can often rent a truck for $20 per hour.

Figure out all of your expenses before purchasing a vehicle. Down payment, monthly payments, insurance, gas, oil, tune ups, and the necessary garage visits to keep up the manufacturers warranty.
Rather than take your aging car on a long road trip, consider renting one. It will save ware and tear on your day-to-day vehicle and if trouble should happen, you'll have a backup car available from the rental company.

Shop around for the best Insurance rates. Get Online Insurance Quotes and submit several inquiries to see if you can get a smaller monthly payment.
Consider increasing the deductible to have a smaller monthly payment.
Do you really need full coverage for that older vehicle?
See if your insurance offers lower rates if you pay six months up front, instead of per month.

Shop around for fuel prices.
Use public transportation whenever possible.
Save money and time by combining your shopping trips, and don't schedule them during busy traffic times.

Walk, or bike to whenever possible.
Ride share with other workers and your friends.
Keep your car tuned.


Limit how often you go out to expensive restaurants.
Use coupons. Eat out earlier in the day instead of the higher priced dinner hours.

Find a locally owned restaurant with specials.
Split a meal.
Order only what you want and are willing to eat on the spot
Don't go out to eat when you are really hungry. You'll usually end up spending more money.

Home Savings

Winterize / summerize your home to help prevent heat loss/gain.
Keep your thermostat no higher than 65F in the winter and no lower than 75F in the summer.
Take shorter showers.
Use cold water when washing your clothes whenever possible.

Close all the doors to rooms not being used. Close the heating/ air conditioner vents in those rooms.
Use your grill in the summer and oven in the winter.
Install water saving devices in your yard and home.
Plant your yard with native plants. Generally, they will require much less water and attention.
Get some exercise and sweep your walks and driveway, instead of using a water hose or an electric blower.


How many cable channels do you really need? Why pay for channels you'll never watch? Try out Net Flicks and rent movies instead of rushing out to see the newest release.
Go to the movies during the lower priced matinee hours
Go for a walk, hike or a picnic. Enjoy life's simple pleasures.
Instead of subscribing to a magazine, read it at your local library or on the internet.

Buy used books.
Rent certain items instead of buying them. For example, recreational equipment can be rented for much less than it would cost to buy and insure them, and you will not have to pay for, or worry about storing them.


Don't spend an excessive amount on a trendy items that will quickly go out of style.
Never buy anything at full price.
Shop quality, not quantity. It is better to have a few items that you really like and look good on you, than a closet full of stuff you've lost interest in.

Buy in quantity, the basics if you find a good deal, such as on socks.
You can pick up great bargains at the end of the season specials.
Buy clothing that is easy to care for, check the labels.
Don't shop on impulse or emotional reasons.

Shopping with credit cards will prove to be a very expensive entertainment. Leave them at home if you just want to go window shopping.
Always compare prices, check out consignment stores, thrift stores, garage sales and look for online coupons and deals. Ebay is always a great place to find deals.

Most of these money saving ideas are not going to cramp your lifestyle that much, they are just little things that can add up to significant savings throughout the year.